Hello! We’re glad you want to know more about Kitchen Rings and us. First, let’s see if you will feel at home here.
‘Kitchen Rings’ and You
‘Kitchen Rings’ is for you if you are keen on bringing tasty, healthy, simple to cook, quick homemade food to the table, in spite of your busy schedule.
Obviously, you want quick solutions, for breezing in and out of your kitchen chores. The tips. An Ace up your sleeve if you will. Look no further!
‘Kitchen Rings’ covers everything from equipping your kitchen, giving the inside deal about food and of course, giving you recipes to successful and healthy eating.
Mission of Kitchen Rings
To bring in a positive impact on the eating habits, food choices and health of busy people, by making regular homemade food achievable.
Our Core Values
We believe that what actually matters is how we
- take care of our health
- nurture relationships
- show concern for the less privileged.
At ‘Kitchen Rings’ we look for opportunities, big or small, to do and encourage just these.
The Team so Far @ Kitchen Rings
The “Chief”—blogger, cook, photographer and odd-job person for Kitchen Rings! Passionate about hoarding anything connected with food and cooking 😃


A perfectionist to the core and very logical thinker!
Meet the Editor and Co-illustrator in the blog. Having taken up this work, she juggles her time between college, activities, hobbies and muttering about how busy she is (And this makes her appreciate the main purpose of this blog even more!).
Normally a sweet person, she can turn into a dragon if she thinks the readers will get even one sentence that’s below the mark.
No mean cook, she can whip up an enviable batch of cup cakes, marshmallows or even marzipan in no time.

Our illustrator and artist is one of those people who has been nurturing her inborn talent quite literally her whole life. She picked up a pencil when she was very small and hasn’t put it down since.
Sunny, with good-natured sarcasm, she can spin a yarn and has ready wit to keep us in splits.
She can bring out the expressions and vibrance of her characters almost effortlessly.
This foodie can manage the kitchen with her eyes closed and casually serve pan pizzas, sandwiches and noodles!
My Food Story
My turn! I’ve lived in big and tiny places in India and learnt from the kitchens everywhere. Finally my husband, our two daughters Johanna and Suzanna (yes, they’re my daughters 😍) have now settled in the National Capital Region.
It is probably due to my background in microbiology & biochemistry that led me to be particular about what I eat and how I cook it. It’s been 25 years of juggling my career and the home, with parenting and social activities thrown in. 🤹♀️
Among things that gives me a glow of satisfaction, is the fact that I have managed homemade foods for the family everyday.
Thinking back, I know some meals I made were awesome. Because they were nourishing, soothing, aromatic and simply unforgettable food I am proud of.
Although there were also, I admit, some that were forgettable! 🤐
It is due to a combination of my curiosity and an adventurous family who ate all (uh..almost all😋!!) of my experiments, that I managed to stretch my repertoire in the kitchen.

And it has also given me a chance to develop and perfect practical tips and techniques that will help any person, even a beginner, in the kitchen.
Though I am not a professional nutritionist or dietician, I have seen what works and what doesn’t with respect to food, taste and health. A combination of science, observation and experience has helped a lot.
Homemade is not boring as it can have both variety and health. But most importantly, ALL DESERVE HOMEMADE.
You may eat in the best of places and the food may be great. But still, in a ridiculously short span of time, your heart will insist on craving for home-cooked food.
❤ Sheetal
The Evolution of Kitchen Rings

There I was, juggling my career in research and my household chores, when I took a planned break. It was to be around Suzanna while she prepared for the Board exams. In order to maintain my sanity (and hers!), I needed to keep myself busy.
Another fact about me is that I have been famous for walking up to even strangers to stop them from eating the wrong things 🙄 This is a trait that family and friends have had to put up with all the time!
Aha! This blend of timing and my interest clicked. Ta daaa! 😎 Thus ‘Kitchen Rings’ came into being, to follow my passion—that of helping people to eat what’s good for them.
It was just meant to be! So naturally, putting down the steps to the approaches I take in the kitchen has been fulfilling, to say the least. 💛

(Incidentally, my other passions are inventing healthy recipes, travelling, building awareness about dementia and old age, photography, gardening and also rummaging through jumble sales. Currently I am learning the Indian Sign Language to be able to contribute to the Deaf Community.)
Let’s Tackle the Kitchen Together
I would love to be a part of your kitchen adventures. Because I get a gush of happiness seeing others take the right step forward to eating great food. And making cooking a part of the daily routine.
Also, I know it’s MISSION POSSIBLE. As following a clear technique ensures success in both the taste and the health departments. Food is so basic that it needs our attention.
Start Here to know more about Kitchen Rings.
If ‘Kitchen Rings’ sounds like something you always wanted, WE LOVE YOU and of course, we WELCOME you. 💖
Instagram adorers, we hope you will follow ‘Kitchen Rings’ for the latest stories about life in this part of the world, our posts on food recipes and much more that we have planned to do. It will mean a lot to have you with us. https://www.instagram.com/kitchen.rings
Follow us on Twitter @sheetalcares ! Our Facebook page is active too. Directly contact us with Messenger.
I appear daily on Instagram and my YouTube channel is my latest baby. See you there!
If you have any specific food-related queries or suggestions, write to us. We will, in turn, do our best to answer. And it will be good to be in touch!
Cheers! May we always have interesting and delicious kitchen tales to share.